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Maintenance page

Refer this page to show maintenance page to users. You can use during your deployment/infra-upgrade activities.

*Note: For demo purpose, we will be using domain as an example.


  1. You must have a domain configured on Nitrogen.
  2. You must have a maintenance image/file uploaded on Nitrogen. Refer this article for the same.


  1. Click on Domains menu, then select Maintenance Page tab. Select appropriate domain from the domains dropdown.

  2. You will be shown to a screen choose the static file to be shown to users.
    Provide the required details:

    1. Enable Maintenance Page: Switch it on when you want to show the page.

    2. Maintenance File Path: Select the uploaded static-file from the dropdown to be shown on desktop devices.

    3. Maintenance File Path For Smartphone: Select the uploaded static-file from the dropdown to be shown on mobile devices.
      Note: You can also use same file on Desktop and Mobiles.

    4. Excluded Paths: Enter the URLs that are not to be responded with maintenance page.
      e.g. any css/image files referred in the maintenance page, admin panel URLs etc.


    5. Click on Save button.


  1. These changes will only take effect when deployed. Saving them will only be saving them in draft. Please refer documentation about Deploy process for it.

  2. Switch off the Enable Maintenance Page toggle to disable maintenance page, and Deploy it to make the change live.