SERA integration on Node¶
Kindly follow the below examples to setup the routing of bot traffic to SERA.
- Change YOUR_TOKEN to the SERA token shared with you
- Keep the relevant bot user-agent regex condition mentioned below - to control the traffic being sent to SERA
const express = require('express')
const app = express()
const port = 3000
const seraEndpoint = '';
const seraToken = 'YOUR_TOKEN';
//USE THIS - DURING POC PHASE for bot User-Agent regex :
const seraUserAgentPattern = /(n7TestUserAgent|PTST|GTmetrix)/i;
//USE THIS - ON GOING LIVE ON SERA for bot User-Agent regex :
const seraUserAgentPattern = /(googlebot|google page speed|chrome-lighthouse|google-inspectiontool|PTST|GTmetrix)/i;
const seraExludePattern = /(\.ai|\.ashx|\.asmx|\.aspx|\.avi|\.avif|\.bmp|\.css|\.csv|\.dat|\.dmg|\.doc|\.eot|\.exe|\.flv|\.gif|\.ico|\.iso|\.jpeg|\.jpg|\.js|\.json|\.jsp|\.less|\.m4a|\.m4v|\.mov|\.mp3|\.mp4|\.mpeg|\.mpg|\.ogg|\.otf|\.pdf|\.php|\.png|\.ppt|\.psd|\.rar|\.rss|\.svg|\.swf|\.tif|\.torrent|\.ttf|\.txt|\.wav|\.webm|\.webp|\.wmv|\.woff|\.woff2|\.xls|\.xml|\.zip)/i;
const sera = async (req, res, next) => {
const { "user-agent": userAgent, "accept-encoding": acceptEncoding, accept, referer } = req.headers;
if (seraUserAgentPattern.test(userAgent)
&& !seraExludePattern.test(req.url)
&& !req.headers['x-nv-app']
&& !req.headers['x-nv-sera-bypass']) {
const headers = {
'x-nv-sera-token': seraToken,
'user-agent': userAgent || '',
'accept-encoding': acceptEncoding || '',
'accept': accept || '',
'referer': referer || '',
const remoteUrl = `${seraEndpoint}${req.url}`;
try {
const response = await fetch(remoteUrl, { headers });
if ((response.status === 200 || response.status === 410) && {
} else {
} catch (error) {
console.error('error downloading page:', error.message);
} else {
app.get('/', (req, res) => {
res.send('Hello World!')
app.listen(port, () => {
console.log(`example app listening on port ${port}`)
Testing and Refinement¶
- Keep refining the logic by adjusting user-agent list, and SERA exclusion-patterns as needed.
- Test thoroughly:
- WPT and GTMetrix will automatically receive the response from SERA due to the routing rule set above.
- Steps to validate page using WPT
- To check the SERA rendered page on browser, you can use some browser extension (like Simple modify headers) to manipulate the browser user-agent. If in testing phase, use these user-agent values: For desktop: For mobile: If SERA is live, you can use these actual bot user-agent values: For desktop: For mobile:
- WPT and GTMetrix will automatically receive the response from SERA due to the routing rule set above.
- On go-live day, set the user-agent condition regex to actual bot user-agent values. Additionally, ensure that your condition is case-insensitive.