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Image Config

Refer this page to provide the image URL pattern that will be processed by AIO.

*Note: For demo purpose, we will be using domain as an example.


  1. You must have a domain configured on Nitrogen
  2. You must have a created a URL pattern for Images. If you have not, please refer this article.


  1. Click on Domains menu, then select Image Config tab. Select appropriate domain from the domains dropdown. You will then be taken to a screen to provide details. Provide the required details:

    1. Request Pattern: Select the URL pattern for Images from the dropdown.

    2. Resize Images: Switch this on if you wish AIO to create different variations of the image based on request attributes such as network type, device power, screen width etc.
      Loading image specific to request-attributes will load it faster, and will also reduce the bandwidth of the user's connection to make the page load faster.



  1. These changes will only take effect when deployed. Saving them will only be saving them in draft. Please refer documentation about Deploy process for it.

  2. The cache TTL for Images is managed by AIO. It overrides the values set at Dash, and sets the browser TTL to 10 minutes, and CDN TTL to 5 years which is non-editable.

  3. You can use AIO query parameters image URL to scale the image based on width, to retain specific quality, to not optimize it, or to crop/merge it. Follow this article for it.

  4. AIO honors the rotation value mentioned in EXIF.