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Steps to test the website on Nitrogen without pointing the CNAME to Nitrogen

You can validate your website on Nitrogen by changing the host file entry; with which the traffic from your laptop will flow through the Nitrogen platform, while the rest of the world will continue to use the current live site.


  1. You must have an account on Nitrogen
  2. You must have some domain registered on Nitrogen.


  1. Please follow the steps shown in this link to do it as per the type of your system.

  2. Below hosts file needs to be added at your end with the respective domain name, and the Nitrogen IP shared with you.
    (For now we will use as example domain)
    In Windows, it will look like this :
    hosts file entry

  3. PFB steps to verify if it was done correctly :

    1. Close all the browser tabs having your domain open

    2. Open in incognito

      1. You may get below error-page :
        hosts file entry

      2. Click on 'Advanced' then click on 'Continue'. Website should load properly now.
        hosts file entry check

    3. Right click on page and click 'Inspect'

    4. Click on Network tab

    5. Click on Doc sub tab

    6. Refresh page

    7. Click on first entry for

    8. In 'Remote Address' you should now see the Same IP that was added in hosts file
      hosts file entry check

  4. To switch back to live site after your testing :

    1. Close all the browser tabs having open

    2. Just remove the hosts file entry added for NitrogenIP >
      OR you can also comment the entry by putting # at the beginning of that line
      hosts file entry

    3. Open your domain in browser

    4. Check the Remote address IP. You should now see your old server IP there.

    5. If it still does not reflect – clear browser history, reopen browser, and try again