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Video Routing

Here you specify the path from where the videos will be served.

For demo purpose, we will be using domain as an example.


  1. You must have your domain registered on Nitrogen.
  2. You must have AVO enabled on your domain. Refer this article if not done.


  1. Click on AVO module.

  2. Select appropriate domain from the domains dropdown at top right corner.
    And, Click on Routing button.

  3. Select AVO menu from left side.

  4. Click on Add New button.

  5. Provide respective label to routing rule in Comment text-box.
    And, Prepare respective condition in If section.
    We will select PATTERN Matches Videos condition.
    If you need, you can add multiple conditions (up-to 3) by clicking on +And button.

  6. Click on Save button.


  1. These changes will only take effect when deployed. Saving them will only be saving them in draft. Please refer documentation about Deploy process for it.

  2. Run AVO script for every new video added on your domain - to create respective variants.
    Because, till the variants are not created, AVO will serve original video on domain.